Go Green East Harlem
"Go Green East Harlem is very special and gorgeous 272-page book (actually 136 pages times two) that was put together by Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer as part of his 'Go Green East Harlem' health initiative. Why did I say the book is 136 pages by two? Because it's bilingual by being two books in one: open the cover and it's totally in Spanish but then flip it over, and it's precisely mirrored in English. It's a beautiful book... " — The City Cook
Scott Stringer, Manhattan Borough President and editor of the book, told City Limits, “When we talked to [Jones Books], we realized we'd found a dedicated publisher who was willing to accommodate the very demanding schedule and goals for The Go Green East Harlem Cookbook—something, frankly, other publishers were unwilling or unable to match. What we didn’t know until much later was that Jones Books would create the spectacular design and final product that today has all of New York City talking.”